Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hate, Cloaked in Love

Hate, Cloaked in Love

It is amazing to me how a person can put on a face of love and give hugs, all while slipping a knife into the back of another person. It is even more amazing that this goes on in the church, what is supposed to be for the glory of God, is of Satan. Those who practice such activities will have their reward some day!

It is funny that I have a book coming out that has a chapter on Love in August, 2008. (A Membership Guide to the Body of Christ) However, since I have written the book, I see more that I wish I could put into the book. I always wondered why people wrote a second book about the same subject, now I know.

People get jealous (also covered in the book) when another person might have a more respect from other Christians or knowledge about God than they do. They see God working in a person’s life and they try to squash what they do not have. In doing so, that person kills anything God can do in his or her own life. The world handles jealousy by trying to kill the other person’s joy. Christians are to handle the situation by praying for the “blessed” person to receive more blessings and ask God what it would take to receive what the “blessed” person has. This is against human nature, but it is necessary for the kingdom of God, which does not operate on worldly, or Satan’s, principals.

What have I learned from this type situation? Never allow the person to pull you out of the perfect will of God for your life. God knows your heart and if you remain pure (sinless) in the situation, your reward will be great and the person with an issue of hate will be greatly rewarded if he or she does not repent. The difference is that the hateful person will not enter heaven.

Have a great day in the Lord and remember, always do His word.

Please feel free to visit my website at www.dwmontgomery.com