Friday, June 6, 2008

Darin's Healing Testimony

Darin’s Healing Testimony

I played games with God. There was a calling on my life and I would sin, just a little bit, to where guilt would not be a problem, but the pull of God would be more distant. We all know better, but a majority of people play the same type of games with God. Either we sacrifice our flesh to the things of this world, television, sports, shopping…or we sacrifice our flesh to the things of God. When we Christians give ourselves to the things of this world (idols), we give our authority to Satan. Although not all health problems are because of this issue, I believe mine were.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) began to develop in 1996, just four years after graduating from college. RSD causes the sympathetic nerves to over-fire, which causes swelling, poor circulation, muscle and bone deterioration, and it is very painful. In fact, on the McGill Pain Index, RSD’s pain level is right above having a finger or toe cut off, except it is constant and is wherever the RSD has spread, which was every extremity and in my lower back. I had seven doctors that diagnosed the condition and an array of medical test and treatments.

I worked for ten years with that pain. I once had to take a part-time job making only $10,000 per year just to provide for my family. There were times when I could not sit still in a chair because my body went into emergency mode and it was impossible to sit still with that much pain. There were times when I threw up because of the pain. I worked through all of that, but when the medications started to make it impossible to concentrate or even remember conversations, I knew that I was in trouble. The final straw was two automobile accidents from falling asleep at the wheel. No longer could I work.

No one can truly understand the shame you feel when you have a chronic illness and how it affects your family and daily activities. Dreams are lost completely. I had a degree with several honors, but all of that was worthless. A man does not feel like they can fulfill their role as a father and husband. Many times, to keep from hurting the ones they love, they push them out of their life. I tried that with my wife, but she would not let go, thank God. I worked through lunch and late to compensate for the deficiency that I felt in my work. I pushed myself to hide my poor health from acquaintances, only to end up soaking in the bathtub for hours later to help ease the pain. Everything in my life was affected.

Then there is the shame that people put on a person with chronic illness. Many people are heartless when it comes to poor health, especially in churches. This adds to a person’s feeling of worthlessness. It eventually destroys all hope in a person. Thank God, I knew I always had some hope, Jesus Christ.

Finally, I submitted to God and started writing A Membership Guide to the Body of Christ. Submission and digging daily into God’s word started to stir something inside me. I could not pray because of the inability to concentrate. However, I just started telling God, “God I Love You”. Finally, my prayer life began to deepen and my love for God grew.

I had written several chapters of the book, but kept running into the same problem: I could not remember what I wrote even the previous day and tended to copy thoughts. However, in May of 2007, something rose up in me, that was in me, but not me. It was the Holy Spirit. It was cursing Satan aloud, with the word of God. “You have no authority over this body Satan, this body belongs to God.” “You were defeated on Golgotha and you are still defeated here this day.” “Satan, you are under my feet.” “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” ….. It was with a pit bull mentality; it was attacking with the two-edged sword (word of God) without stopping.

Later that night, I laid down in bed and told my wife that we were going to pray, much as we did many times before. I said, “God, you called me to write this book, but I cannot even remember what I wrote yesterday. I am doing my part; I need you to help me. Suddenly, I felt it lift off me and I quickly fell asleep. When you are in constant pain, two hours of uninterrupted sleep is huge! Therefore, to be pain-free for just a couple of minutes put my whole body to rest. I slept the first entire night that I had in over 10 years!

The next morning I awoke, rested, without any pain. I went outside and even the grass seemed greener and the sun was brighter. I started to stop taking the Durgesic Patches, Methadone, Oxycodone, Mexilatine and all of the other medications.

Satan knows when he is in trouble! A couple of days after my healing, the pains started again. I would go to my prayer room every time that it happened and bring out that pit bull, which is the Holy Spirit. Satan was defeated repeatedly. We must learn how to attack Satan and not just let him attack us. This is done by the word of God.

I had gone to the doctor about three or four days before my healing. I had been doing so poorly that one of my medications was increased and the doctor wanted to see me in two weeks instead of four, which was a first for that specialist. By the time that I went to see the doctor, I was off most of my medications.

I will never forget the trip to see the doctor for the first time, being healed. I went to the window at the doctor’s office and the woman said, “Aren’t you some kind of preacher or something?” I had not even told her about the healing! The next person I saw took my information and she was a believing Christian and we rejoiced together. Soon the Doctor came in and I told him what had happened. He said, “Now, I am a Christian, a Methodist, but I have only had one person healed like that in my practice and it did not last with her. I will believe it if it lasts through the winter.” Winter was always a hard time for me but nothing is impossible for God! The doctor went on to ask me if I had any withdrawals from stopping all of those narcotic medications that I had been on for over 10 years. When I told him that I had not, he said, “that tells me what a strong person you are.” My strength did not come from me, but my savior!

It has been over a year and I still cry when I write or tell this story to others, but I will not stop until everyone knows that Jesus Christ is a loving, saving and healing Savior!

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