Monday, April 11, 2011

Many will Come in My Name (Jesus)

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. “Behold, I have told you in advance. Matthew 24:24-25

I am amazed at the “new year prophecies” that come out around this time every year. I searched the entire whole bible and cannot seem to find a “Rosh Hashanah”, or Jewish New Year prophecy. It is almost as if the people expect a man of God to give them something new for the new year. Yet, many “men of god” will pull something like that out of their hat to give the people what they want.

Some of these prophecies read like a horoscope; this one I recall, “there will be opened doors and closed doors…” This was by a famous TV preacher a few years ago. You certainly cannot pin this man down as being a false prophet, but you can bet that he is no prophet. God’s prophets never prophesied in a way that had several “doors.”

I truly believe that God does give prophecies, but we are not to follow after a “new word.” In other words, the prophecy should always line up with the bible and should always come true. The Old Testament tells the people of Israel to stone a false prophet. I guess we need to throw the stone that the builders rejected, Jesus, at the false prophets of today, because they are not of God. If that seems harsh for a Christian, look at how Jesus talked to the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes in His days on earth.

I have a prophecy for you, Jesus is coming back soon and many false Christs are already in the world, which is exactly what Matthew 24 is about, His soon return. If that is not quite what you wanted, it is God’s word and we need to thirst after God’s word rather than some charismatic man that knows some things of God, but not actual know the true God in an intimate way. Or perhaps he knew God at one time, but turned his back on God pandering to the people and not God.

We Christians better start reading the bible for ourselves, instead of letting some “man of god” tell us what we should believe or not believe. I don’t care if man’s church is made of one person, including the man, or one trillion individuals. Just because many follow a man, does not mean that he is a man of the true God. If you notice, a true prophet of God in the scripture usually was under constant threat of life and had a very small following.