Friday, April 22, 2011

Who can Contain our God?

Who can even imagine how big God is? We try to put a human mask on our God, giving Him a human face with human power and thoughts. Yet, He is much more than some limited finite man. He is infinite, being from the beginning to the end. We live in a finite (limited supply) world and we make our God into our knowledge of worldly limitations. He lives in the infinite (unlimited). We cannot imagine the infinite; living without regard to limits on time and resources. That is the realm that our God lives in, more than we humans can imagine. His word is pure; it is perfect. Not one word is unnecessary or untrue.

We limit our God and make His word to no effect. Yes, we can control our God, for He will not move unless asked to do so by faith. When we need Him to act on our behalf, we summon Him like a soothsayer looking into a worthless crystal ball. That prayer is not of faith, it is begging. We then want to get mad at God because He did not work on our behalf when we decided that we needed Him. We put ourselves in our position by not living by His word and by His Spirit.

Let us take up His word and eat it. Let us consume Him, for He is the bread of life. There is nothing like His manna, and allowing Him to live through us gives us His authority in dark times. It is at that point, where we die to self and live in His word that we can ask what we will and He will give us the desires of our heart. However, it is also at that point where our heart and His likeness become one. It is a place where we do not ask based on human wants and desires, but on kingdom wants and desires. He is the great “I AM.”

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. - (James 4:3 NIV)